Sympathy for Dung Beetles

Sympathy (like crocodile tears) for conservative, libertarian and die-hard GOP blathermouths & editorialists condemned to shoveling the same old same old again and again (no matter how discredited by logic or events) in their never-ending battle to persuade a majority to vote against their own best interests.


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Citizen Cites

Monday, March 04, 2002

NY TIMES "REPORTER" WORKS as a "DUNG BEETLE" for the ever-minor bush. Politics | How to seduce the press
(((((((((( Press shmoooozzzzing with the amiable dunce distorts reporting. Frank Burni could have written a book warranting some respect; but this review of it makes it look more like a case study demonstrating the press Dung-Beetle Syndrome. Read
the article as a "buyer beware" notice. Think about the book on remainder as a good example of the trend in "journalism" to something more akin to grocery store tabloid Hollywood publicity hype. The NYT may be the newspaper of record, but internet sites like Salon are the means of correcting the record... and preventing the spread of the Dung-Beetle Syndrome. ---------- Douglas Wiken )))))))))

posted by Douglas at 8:21 AM


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