Sympathy (like crocodile tears) for conservative, libertarian and die-hard GOP blathermouths & editorialists condemned to shoveling the same old same old again and again (no matter how discredited by logic or events) in their never-ending battle to persuade a majority to vote against their own best interests.
Monday, March 11, 2002 Inside Cover Story Of course, yah, that's the story------"Sunday, March 10, 2002 8:52 p.m. EST
Lott Blames Lewinsky Affair for 9-11 Vulnerability
Senate Minority Leader Trent Lott, R-Miss., suggested Sunday that ex-President Clinton didn't do enough to counter the terrorist threat against the U.S. because he was too busy having sex with White House intern Monica Lewinsky. "
((((((((((((((( LOTT MAY WIN "DUNGBEETLE OF THE YEAR" AWARD FOR THIS WHOPPER.....Of course, polite readers will not ask, "Where's the Meat?"..Leave it to AgitProp to demonstrate the true colors of America's Propaganda Page. Note to the excellent suggestions for reading material at this sinkhole of political garbage. All the news that fits the sewer. ------- Doug Wiken )))))))))))))))
More at site
KWAP= Central Disinformation System, Whopper of the Day, Trent Lott moves lips again.
posted by Douglas at 9:15 PM
FAUX NEWS FAUX UP..RUNS SATIRE AS "NEWS". Should anybody ever take their political coverage seriously???
Fox News Channel Finds Itself Outfoxed It would be one thing if I had set out to dupe Fox News and somehow succeeded. The truth is scarier. The network duped itself, through either sheer laziness or cluelessness.
Was it my place to apprise them of the fact that they were about to assign credibility to a spurious source? I thought not. Not when it meant being able to flaunt it in the very first completely truthful story ever to appear on the demented pages of Not when it enabled us to flag its appearance with the on-site banner "As Seen on Fox News Channel."
I mean, these are the guys who proclaim, "We report. You decide." I simply decided to let them report. The result wasn't real journalism, merely an incredible simulation.-------Ray Richmond is co-founder of
(((((((((((( Not sure this guys hands are clean, but when a cable "news" outfit can't sort satire from real news, why should any of their political "news" or anything else be quoted or taken seriously? This outfit is not a source any real news group of anykind should take seriously. And, not a source that any viewer should take seriously. They have an agenda but who knows for sure what it is...serious journalism does not happen to be part of these dung beetles ethic.------- Doug Wiken )))))))
LAT= Nothing for Faux News or for Hollywood Pulse. If you want to waste time on them, you will have to dig them up yourself.
posted by Douglas at 11:25 AM
Sunday, March 10, 2002
GEORGE WILL SEES TRANSFORMATION--Dung Beetle bush conversions
Cokie and co-conspirators is about over for the day, but already George Will has seen a transformation in Bush. One might ask what he was transformed from and to. I don't see any transformation. He is still a juvenile twit who happened to hit the "trifecta" of polical good luck as ever-minor Bush himself said. Bush is so shallow he can't indicate a nuance of anything. His incredibly inane statements relating to use of nuclear weapons left Colin Powell on CBS trying to somehow dig a coherent nuanced foreign policy position out of the shrub's jumble of jingoism.
Next Will nearly waxed poetic lauding the amazing weapons used in Afghanistan....implying that somehow these weapons sprung from thin air of the Bush administration rather than the cautious buildup made by the Clinton administration.
Will has a LOT of work to do. He can push the SOS Bush blather up one hill and down another. He can smear his bowtie with bush blather, but when he
gets done, no matter how much "intellectual" tugging, pushing, and pulling, Bush will not be magically transformed from a frog-killing twerp into a mature statesman.
----------------------- Douglas Wiken
KWAP= Intellectual Dung Beetle, bush apologist, smoke and mirrors, same old bush shit, same old bush, intellectual ethical dishonesty, Sabbath gasbags.