Sympathy for Dung Beetles

Sympathy (like crocodile tears) for conservative, libertarian and die-hard GOP blathermouths & editorialists condemned to shoveling the same old same old again and again (no matter how discredited by logic or events) in their never-ending battle to persuade a majority to vote against their own best interests.


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Citizen Cites

Wednesday, May 22, 2002

Gosh, almost a month since I put anything in here. It is not because some GOP sympathiser has failed to do
political Dung beetles work. I heard from a reasonably reliable source that a story from a Washington, DC paper ended
up in the ARGUS leader of Sioux Falls, SD. It was a story about a somewhat general issue. In the DC paper, there
was a quote from South Dakota Senator Tim Johnson. When the story was reprinted in the ARGUS, the paragraph or
sentence quoting Johnson had been deleted. Some hardworking beetle someplace must have been at work...only this
time it was not by improving the appearance of some GOP dunderhead....nope, this was done by eliminating any mention
of a hard-working if rather boring South Dakota Democrat.

I hope to remember to put a bit more substance into this blog. I am sure there are a few dozen things that will turn
up soon. The work of political dung beetles is never done.------- Doug Wiken for Sympathy for Dung Beetles.

posted by Douglas at 11:52 PM


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